Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Web 2.0 The Machine is us/ing us

Web 2.0 The Machine is us/ing us
This video was created by Mike Wesch and posted on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLlGopyXT_g However, if Youtube is blocked it is also on TeacherTube.

Your thoughts on the video...


Linda Collette said...

I don't think about computers enough to think about these ideas.

Six Blue said...

It's amazing to think of the next phase of the internet; we are interactive and interconnected! Makes me wonder what other marvels we will witness in our technological future.
Oh, and I totally want to learn how to make a video like that too!

Unknown said...

If you enjoyed the Web 2.0 videos there are more posted in the sidebar. I enjoyed Digital Students @ Analog Schools, created by students after leaving high school and attending college.
What's your favorite video?

Karma Tousignant said...

I kind of agree with Linda, except my husband is a software engineer so we laughed tonight when I was telling him about the difference between HTML and XML after watching the video !

Annica Scott said...

Thank you for helping us attempt to stay ahead of our students in this world of new technology...and I do mean attempt...

Unknown said...

I think we are learning about some amazing tools. I remember being fascinated by the modem used in Wargames and look how far we've come! I love technology when it does work - I think of how much time and physical effort I put into researching my master's thesis. I wish we had so many online databases back in the day! I still don't like wikipedia from a research standpoint, but it is very interesting just to read what's out there, see what has been altered, and then see how many people try to make it right again. Technology is definitely making the world a smaller place - I just hope to learn enough to impress the kids (at home and at school)!!

Mr. Kennedy said...

I think this video says a lot about where we are and how far we have yet to go to fully utilize the web tools that are available to educators.