Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day 3 - Working online

Good morning!

As outlined in class yesterday please work on the following today:
1. Connect to class backchannel . Give updates during the day and connect with members of the class.
2. User Twitter and/or TweetDeck to expand your personal learning network
3. Monitor this Blog and post comments when requested
4. Visit the class wiki to review videos and materials from class.
5. Work on your class blog (add content, video, slideshare, etc).

Other Options:
1. Class wiki articles and bloggers to follow
2. Skype with a colleague
3. Explore sites from class, SchoolTube, TeacherTube, SlideShare, Wordle, etc.
4. Looking ahead... we will learn about Google Sites, Wikispaces and nings this week.
to learn more go to the class wiki and click on google sites
Read, learn and explore Web 2.0 possibilities for your classroom and professional learning network.

Here is list of bloggers to scan ....

I will post again, later this morning. I hope you are enjoying this hybrid model of learning.

1 comment:

Felicia Comeras said...

All I can say is "Phew"!! What a busy but wonderful day full of technology.
I created a glog, skyped used chatzy with many people, tweeted, blogged and had so many windows open that my computer went into overload an came to a screeching halt. Now that I am back on, I thought we were supposed to leave a comment so I am. See everyone tomorrow. I am exhausted and will sleep well tonight. LOL!

P.S. I guess this is our new Web 2.0 lingo!