Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day 2 Recap

Recap Day 2
- Class Backchannel with notes http://www.chatzy.com/499283145387
- Subscribe to RSS feeds in Google Reader
- Blog Post YouTube/Teacher Tube Video to blog
- Blogger setup protections on site add gadgets to layout

- Skype Session 2 focus on Twitter and personal network
- Twitter or Tweetdeck using columns and filters
- Skype - download on home computer and connect with a classmate
note: you may need a microphone to connect or type to chat.
- iTunes and Podcasts (SMARTboards) example

Other Topics
- SlideShare
- Wordle
- Glogster

Link to class wiki materials and support.

1 comment:

OC Environmental Studies said...

Thank you for providing us with soooo many new options,and walkig us through when we needed it. I'm at home on line driving my wife batty!, I can't stop myself, already used up a couple of hours.