Wednesday, March 9, 2011

World Read Aloud Day - Skype Project

Today is World Read Aloud Daywhere classrooms around the world will be using this amazing technology to connect, share stories, and celebrate the power of our words and voices with Skype.  (Learn more about Skype in the classroom). So what are you waiting for? Grab your favorite class read aloud and find a classroom here to share it!  Thanks to a tweet and some inspiration from Angela Maiers @angelamaiers that's exactly what we did today.
Nashoba and Hollis, NH (1st Grade)
Our school librarian, @tracylandry, coordinated with students to participate in two sessions today.  The first connection this morning was with a 1st Grade Class in NH @nicoletomaselli. We read "The Puriri Tree" (online format)  It was great!
See a segment of the Video  Additionally, other students in our high school took a trip to an elementary school in our district and read to the students.

Nashoba and Maynard, MA (Special Education)
In the second session we connected two Special Education classes. The students read "Alaska's Big Race" by alternating reading paragraphs. The students were so excited to see their friends from  Maynard.  Now that the teachers have used skype they plan to continue to connect their classrooms in the future. 

Upon reflection of this process both Ms. Landry and I felt so proud that we had connected these classes and would encourage other teachers to use skype for classroom collaboration in all content areas.

I am so grateful that @angelamaiers tweeted about this project and we were able to part of World Read Aloud Day experience using skype.

The motivation for this project was found on Twitter #edchat Tuesday's @7:00 PM.  Connect and get inspired!


Anne Rose said...

Great use of ICDL! Always glad to see how it is being used.

Mrs. Landry said...

What a great experience today. Reading and technology, connecting with teachers and students- what more could a librarian want?! It was a great morning!
Looking forward to extending World Read Aloud Day to tomorrow!

Mrs. Landry said...

Our Read Aloud Day skype session today was extra special today. This was an incredilbe experience and I am so fortunate to have been a part of it. Words truly do bring us together - the technology helped, too!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it was a fantastic experience. Skyping with Nicole and the first graders must have been especially fun. :)