Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Chromebooks 1:1 - Presentation to Students & SMAR for staff

It's finally happening!  Our high school will be a 1:1 Chromebook school starting with the distribution of Chromebooks on Friday.  Last year we had grades 9 and 10 with chromebooks but grades 11 and 12 required the teacher to signout carts.  This could be a very time-consuming process to book the cart, bring the cart to the classroom, powerup, try to determine if any of the devices had issues, teach, power down and deliver the cart back to the media center or to the next teacher.  Not to mention it was a nightmare if you had a sub.  Well, I believe all that is about to change!

I will deliver the following presentation to all students tomorrow as part of an overall larger presentation. I know there will be a shift and learning process with classroom management and some issues that we may not be able to avoid, but I do know that we are on the right path.

Hopefully, the distribution of Chromebooks will go smoothly!

The Chromebooks connected to using the SMAR model (video) which teachers have been using to help guide their lessons design using technology.

 SAMR Video

Below is a Hyperdoc  or for teachers to evaluate the SAMR model that I presented to staff leadership at the high school last year. 


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