Monday, April 29, 2019

Assessment with Peardeck

Teachers in Math and Science are using PearDeck as a tool to present, engage and assess student work. The new SEI template allows for communications with students.  The website addresses the  importance of these personal skills is getting more attention of late, and the numbers on school violence, depression, anxiety, and drug abuse indicate our urgency is warranted.

Helping students gain coping skills, resilience, emotional awareness, and empathy takes regular practice and reinforcement. The good news is, we can practice each day by incorporating questions that promote self-awareness into our regular lessons.

In the Pear Deck Slide Library, you can already find many templates that help students check in with themselves or consider another’s point of view. Today, we are releasing a new set of templates focused specifically on Social Emotional Learning. Here are some examples:

Stress Check
In this template, students are asked to check in with themselves and consider their current stress level. This not only alerts the teacher to students who may be unable to focus, but it also helps students learn to assess their anxiety levels. As students become more aware of their emotional state, they can utilize coping strategies to help them navigate stressful times safely.

It's always rewarding to guide teachers when using a variety of methods to reach students.

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