Tuesday, March 5, 2019


I’m attending the SXSWEDU Conference in Austin’s this week with my colleague
Craig Sheil. This conference has been on my bucklet list for severals years but I was reluctant to sign up.  When Craig told me he was booking and we started to discuss on the sessions around education, that were not all tech options, it made perfect sense to attend.  Not, to mention the airfare was under $200.00 roundtrip!

As part of our learning experience we decided we would use Anchor https://anchor.fm a mobile podcasting tool to reflect on our learning.  Below are some of the recordings:
  • Day 1 - 3/4 podcast link
  • Day 2 3/5 podcast Link
We have been using the program scheduler and wakelet to curate our learning.
About the conference https://youtu.be/ayGV_WAIcWQ

Craig presented as part of the Google Panel and we then got to visit the Google stations as students.  Here is a tweet/video about the Google Showcase  Google announced the App hub and showcased many tools along with the Jamboard, Google Expeditions and more!

This conference has me thinking about the Google Innovators program #GoogleEI that focuses on a Design Thinking Challenge, modelling the "Solve Problems of Practice Through the Gripe Jam"
A Google For Education Certified Innovator see blog post.

We were fortunate to attend film, Unlikely  see more here https://www.unlikelyfilm.com

It was very powerful to see how easily students can be lost in the system and how we are educating the wealthy.  It's time to rethink higher education and other options!

Building Community: Weaving Americas Social Fabric: Weave: The Social Fabric Project, an initiative of the Aspen Institute, operates with the premise that social fragmentation is the central problem of our time—isolation, alienation and division. Fortunately, all across the country people are rebuilding communities and creating social capital. Weave seeks to work with these groups to spur a movement to repair the national fabric—to identify and celebrate these groups, synthesize the values that move them, and help forge a common identity.

We attended a very powerful session with
David Hogg and Dan Rather
David Hogg, co-founder of March For Our Lives, in conversation with Dan Rather discuss what our country and politics can look like when we let young people lead and dedicate ourselves to fostering that power in youth voice, advocacy, and leadership at SXSW EDU link here 

It was much different from many of the other edtech conference that I have attended and I appreciate the larger perspective it provided.

There were lots of other hands-on session on topics of interest.  I was able to reconnect with Ela Ben-Ur https://twitter.com/ElaBenUr  from Olin College where she showcased Design Thinking the "Innovators Compass Model"  http://innovatorscompass.org/

We made the most of every day, arriving early, attending as many sessions as possible and most importantly we reflected each day on the sessions and our thoughts!  I would highly recommend the conference to other teachers and hope to return again!

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