Saturday, July 31, 2010


Vacation Week -What a beautiful week on the Cape. 

I was able to spend time in Harwich, Chatham and Mashpee last week.  

Shark sightings in Chatham caued quite a a buzz this week.  Five great white sharks were spotted near Chatham’s South Beach, some spotted as close as 100 yards from the shore. It prompted the harbormaster to close the beach to swimming and prompted the state to take action.

It was great to kick back and relax!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer Course

Week of Monday - July 19th -23rd

Using Social Networking and Web 2.0 Technologies in the Classroom - ITC6513
NEU Class blog
Looking forward to another Web 2.0/Social Networking class this week.

Vacation Week - July 25th - August 1st!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Are you interested in taking future PD sessions?

I you are interested in future PD classes on a PART II of this class, please comment below.

Web 2.0 in the Classroom

Day 5
RSS and iGoogle / Google Reader
Google Lit Trips
Poll Anywhere

Voicethread for reflection
Link  (to view larger size)

Examples of Voicethread (look under browse)

Poll Everywhere
1. Example text
Text 33396 and your message to 22333

Are you having a good day?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Web 2.0 Presentations tools and multimedia

Welcome back.  Today we will review the following:

Presentations using Google/Presentation and SlideShare

Here is an example of a Google Presentation for this class.

SlideShare on Web 2.0

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blended Learning - Day 3

Wednesday's Activities

1. Join  the back channel (give me a few
    updates during the morning)
2. Twitter - send out a few tweets and follow a few people #NMPD
     7 Things to know about twitter
3. Skype (download) if possible with a colleague
4. Use one or two tools (Word Cloud Wordle, Tagxedo, Ning, Blogger, Google Site,Glogster, VoiceThread, other)  or a new tool (Wallwisher, xtranormal, animoto , pixton comics, itunes/podcast or suggest one in the comment section below)
5. Add infomation images, etc to the Google Site "Your Page"
6. Post a reflection at the end of the day in the comment section below

Explore and have some fun!!

When you return on Thursday you can share your findings with the class.

Optional/Additional Assignment:
Assessment in a Web 2.0 World (listen) to this podcast and/or in iTunes
Eudcause podcast: Assessment in a Web 2.0 World (19 mins)
More Educause links on web 2.0

The learning continues

Day 2 -
Skyp (with Pat and Nicole)
Twitter/Tweetdeck  #NMPD or BackChannel with Today's Meet
Vocabulary using Wordle (top ten ways to use)
Google Form/Survey (assessment...)
Google Site Add your page, image and video

Filter in School? Download a YouTube Video using Zamzar
Review expectations for online session.

Other options - Do you have itunes?  Download a podcast related to Web 2.0.

Enjoy the rest of your day, see you online tomorrow!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Learning about Web 2.0

Day 1 - Notes and links from class (backchannel )
Take the SURVEY "Getting to Know You"

A group of teachers are gathered today to learn about Web 2.0.  We are learning about blogging and twitter.
  1. Registration and logistics
  2. The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version)
  3. A few Blogs to read -
    Will Richardon (twitter)
    David Warlick  (twitter)
    Eric Langhorst *social studies (twitter)
    Darren Kuropatwa *math (twitter)
  4. Create or use your Google Account
  5. iGoogle (mini tour video)
  6. Micro blogs with Twitter (Twitter in Plain English)
  7. Create your Twitter Account (learn more)
    - Follow on Twitter (follow me )
    - Above bloggers (twitter links) and a few more....
    - BHS Principal
    - Free Technology for Teachers
  8. Getting Started with Blogger (Tutorial)
  9. Create a blog (add a post)
  10. Post a comment (moderate)
  11. Add items to Blogger (Video, Slideshare, etc)
  12. Link

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

MTA Social Media (Nashoba featured)

Last month I was contacted by the MTA do discuss how I was using social media with teachers and students. Here is a link to this month's issue [pdf] Page 23

This year, Nings have taken root all over Nashoba Regional High School, where several educators are using the closed online networks. Last summer, Mary Marotta, integration technology specialist at Nashoba, joined a Ning set up forparticipants of a technology conference. She was impressed, and she started to learn about and share other educational networks she found with others on the Nashoba staff, starting with

the English Companion Ning. “I like to refer to it as Facebook for English

teachers,” she said. “It’s a place where teachers go to help other teachers.”

“Journalism in the 21st Century,” a senior elective taught by Nashoba English teacher Adrianne Locke, was a natural fit for Ning. “The current tech tools aligned with the journalism,” Marotta noted.“With Ning, we’ve been able to create a virtualnewsroom for the journalism courses,” Locke said. “It was a forum for students to continue class discussion outside of the physical classroom and a

legitimate place to publish student work.”

Collegiality among students is also a theme over at Laura Pagington’s AP Government Ning. “Students use the Ning to discuss current events outside of class,” Pagington said. The online forum saves class time needed for instruction, she explained, and good online conversations also find their way back into class discussion.

Marotta and her Nashoba colleagues point out that an important feature of Ning sites is a set of administrative controls that enable teachers to close a site to outsiders and create an approval process for posting that is appropriate for their classes. (It is worth noting here that Ning is discontinuing its free

educator accounts in July. As MTA Today went to press, its Web site said the company was hoping to

secure a sponsor for educational accounts.)

Andrew Garcia, who is featured on the cover article on social media in education, offers tips for fellow educators on the MTA YouTube Channel.

You can follow the MTA on twitter @massteacher