Friday, May 7, 2010

Wrapping it up - IGD Course

Wrapping thing up -- Session Five Presentation and Assignment
Please upload your reflection, see below in presentation, in order to recieve your grades.
Group A - Post by 5/4 - Group B - Post by 5/11

1. Go to the Class PD Sandbox Reflection page
2. Create and Upload a document, outlining the following:
- What you have learned in the class
- What you have created
- What you have used with students
- What you plan to do with Google Docs/Site
Name the file your lastname_reflection and upload to Group A or B
3. Please take the Course Evaluation Survey
4. Review each other google sites!

I hope to see all of you in another course next year! I enjoyed working with you and implementing Google Docs in your district!


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