Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Reflection Audio - Choice Board

May is a great month for projects!  After working on a presentation choice board last week a few other teachers wanted to explore a choice board for audio reflections.  I introduced Flipgrid in March during a PD session but some students didn't want their video posted and covered the webcam. This made for a boring reflection.  I then figured out I could upload a video to flipgrid of a presentation with audio and music along with a video recording for a piece of the presentation.

After seeing a few people tweet about Apple Clips, I decided to download the app to my phone and give it a try!  Clips iOS app has been out for about a year. It allows video creation that combines images, videos, you can then add special effects, filters, emojis, and stickers!  There is a great "voice to text" feature that turns on a script that rolls on your screen.  You can choose from music sound tracks that are in the app or even upload your own. You the save to your camera roll or you can share to drive or flipgrid!
Need some guidance?  I found this great
Step by Step tutorial online

I am in the planning stages with a teacher for Sophomores to write about "This I Believe essay" and she provided the following npr link and I researched some examples at  I addition I found a great blog post by Sylvia Duckworth .

I am wondering if I make a new choice reflection board or just jump in with Clips.  If students do not have a mobile device, I may just keep it simple and post directly to flipgird.  Stay tune for examples and reflections!

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