
Monday, March 2, 2009

Moving on ... with screen caputures using Jing

I plan on showing Jing this week. Jing allows you to capture anything you see on your computer screen and share it an image or short movie.

If have a tablet, please download the file prior to class so you can make a screencast.

Please continue to post comments to the class blog and share with with other members of the class. If there are other items you would like presented to help you in the classroom, please post. In class this week we will discuss your project that you will be presenting at the end of the course.

I hope everyone is enjoying yet another snow day!


  1. I am very interested in finding out more and working with Jing. I tried to watch the video but my school computer couldn't show the video and would not download the software.....go figure! I think this Jing will work perfectly with my posting science stuff to my blog!!!

  2. Jing looks very interesting. I can think of quite a few neat projects that I'd like to try with Jing. I was able to download it to my tablet and hope to try it out today.

  3. Wow, this is just what I need to help the kids in my room use the music computers/software. My time with them is short and I can imagine posting short info videos to help them adapt to the music software. I'm going to try it with the 7th grade Sound classes. We are working on creating commercials using free a free sound program called audacity. Now I can post short help videos right on the desktop for them to use. In essence I can be at each computer at the same time.
    I can also see using this to help show web sites in class. Our internet can be erratic and using Jing would allow me to record the visit as a back up.
    It will be fun to explore the possibilities.

  4. Oh Boy! Another cool sounding term to dumbfound my teenager with!
    I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

  5. I had forgotten all about Jing until you "reintroduced it." I had only glanced at it this summer. It looks good for FL possibilities. I need to explore more!

  6. I have downloaded Jing to my laptop and cant wait to learn to use it!

  7. Thank goodness we took this class so that we can have some kind of a clue what these terms mean...

  8. I have heard of Jing before, but have never had a chance to see it in action or use it. I am looking forward to this. I was unable to download as well...
