I’ve been using a combination of the new google sites and classic.
I been waiting fir the new google sites to have the ability to created a template for high school students. It’s been a few years and the new google sites still doesn’t have this capability, like classic sites does. So I decide to work with my English teachers to create high school sites. Over the last or so week or I hit every freshman class to create a portfolio for all four years and moved into sophomore students this week. I am collect them all with a certain naming syntax, by year of graduation along with English teachers name and class period. In addition, I am have student add other portfolio links from photography, video, multimedia and graphics.at the same time I am working with teachers to determine what a “Freshman - English 10 page might collect as an artifact.
I also want to provide freedom for students to add work they are proud of to their sire. I hope to have all of the portfolios created over the next few weeks and discussed at parent conference at the end of October along with leadership, department chair, teacher and student buy in. Lots of work but long over due! Stay tune for updates.
Presentation http://bit.ly/portfoliosatnashoba and screencast
Example a student site https://sites.google.com/nrsd.net/portfolio2023msmith/home
more details coming on a Google Site https://sites.google.com/nrsd.net/portfolio2023jdoeexample/home
Fall - PLT form with EQ
Description:Student Portfolios & Web Tools:
Are you looking for a way to showcase student work? This PLT will provide you with the framework to build robust, innovative, and collaborative portfolios unique to your subject. Join us in this session to explore portfolios and learn new web tools to enhance your teaching.
Lesson Plan and Applied Skills with Sites