Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Digital Footprint - Current Event Assigment 4 - Twitter (Week ending March 28th)

This week's Digital Footprint topic is the appropraite use of Twitter and consequences.

Below is a tweet sent out by a High School Senior at
Pembrook High School.  A baseketball player stripped of an award after sending out an inappropirate this week.

As part of of our ongoing discusstion on managing your Digital Footprint, we work on this assignment in class this week.

  1. Read the article comments and watch the video
    Note: additional article
  2. Go to your blog and create a post called Digital Footprint Assignment 3 Twitter.
  3. Reflect on the article on your blog.
  4. Do you think the punishment fits the crime and why?
  5. Be prepared to discuss in class.
  6. Submit your opinion using the "Poll" on the sidebar after competing the above assignments.
Other Local Issue
Sexting in high school and the legal consequences

Friday, March 21, 2014

Digital Footprint Assignment 3 - PSA (Powtoon or Cartoon PSA)

Create a Powtoon (PSA Public Service Announcement) on one of the following topics:

Options for Topics:
- Digital Footprint / Internet Safety
   (Note: Themes, Elementary, Middle, High School and College Job Ready)
- Communication the School's new Mission Statement (ICARE)
- Promote a school club
- Propose your own idea!

1. Having a Positive Digital Footprint (Example using THINK before you post!)

2. Cartoon Option

3. Post the PowToon/Cartoon to your Google Site and your BLOG
    On your student Portfolio - Reflect on using the tool and would you recommend or use again.
    Explain the purpose of your PSA, provide the embed the code and provide the link.

Nashoba Mission Statement and link

Friday, March 14, 2014

Digital Footprint - Current Events Assignment #2 - 'Upskirt' ban in Massachusetts signed into law

In your Blog please post Digital Footprint Assignment #2

Pick one of the three current events and reflect on your blog.
Respond/comment on two classmates blog and provide feedback.
  1. Is the law keeping up with Technology?  What are your thoughts about the change in the MA law with 'Upskirt' ban in Massachusetts signed into law - CNN  Fri March 7, 2014Please read the following article and watch the video.
  2. Review the "12 Things Student Should Never do on Social Media http://mashable.com/2012/09/04/students-social-media-warnings/#:eyJzIjoidCIsImkiOiJfZnoxMnFnOXhvMnRjdmdsd294b2drYV8ifQ 
  3. Is there a current event you around social media that you would like to discuss?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Adding Voice to Google Docs and Usingg voice recognition to type (beta)

Last week my daughter showed me one of her assignments from college where she created a resume and was given audio feedback from the professor.  I believe the University uses Moodle/Turnitin.  Later that day I say a tweet on Kaizena which allows you to download an app from the chrome store in order to add audio notes. I found that  Richard Bryne's had posted a reveiew on his blog  and a great screencast overview from Stacey Behmner's video .

Note: WIth Kaizen you have to authorized it to access your Google Account and allow access to your microphone, like many other applications now require.

I plan to work with a teacher this week to see if you can replicate the assignment using Google Drive, templates and Kaizena. I will update later in the week!

Note: Google is also testing  "Using voice recognition to type (beta)"
Chrome Store  learn more here.