Sunday, August 22, 2010

Podcast - Best Practices in the Classroom

Below is a podcast that I created with Microsoft PowerPoint and Community Clips for a graduate class, featuring Best Practices.

Find more videos like this on Nashoba

To see more of the Best Practices link to the Google Site/Wiki

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

SmartBoard Class this week!

Teaching a SMARTBoard Class this week using SMART NoteBook!
Posts on 8/13 and 8/16 for start of class
Class Blog

Topics for class one
SMART Notebook software 10 Getting Started
A summary of what’s new in SMART Notebook 10.  SMART Notebook software 10 Getting Started
A summary of what’s new in SMART Notebook 10.
View each tutorial individually, or Watch the entire 30-minute overview.
SMART Notebook software 10 - Getting Started
Tutorial 1: Activation
Tutorial 2: Finding What You Need
Tutorial 3: The Ink Layer
Tutorial 4: Managing Pages
Tutorial 5: The Properties Tab
Tutorial 6: The Lesson Activity Toolkit
Tutorial 7: New Tools in SMART Notebook 10

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day Two the learning continues

Day Two
1. Skype with Maria Knee (blog)
   - Kathy Cassidy blog and website

2. Please take the following survey
3. Here is a link to the class googel site / wiki
4. Wallwisher - join our class conversation
     19 Ways to use Wallwisher in the classroom (Tom Barrett)
5. edu Glogster Mulimedia posters
6. Animoto for education (slideshows)
7. Wordle

Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcome Mashpee Teachers - Day One Web 2.0

Mashpee - Day 1 - Notes and links from class (backchannel
Take the survey  "Getting to Know You"

A group of teachers are gathered today to learn about Web 2.0.  We are learning about blogging and twitter.
  1. Registration and logistics
    FSC registration form (Course Number: PDMT 6332 Schedule Number (CRN): 50871 Graduate Credits at $255 TItle Integrating Web 2.0 Tools into the Classroom
  2. The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version)
  3. A few Blogs to read -
    Will Richardon (twitter)
    David Warlick  (twitter)
    Eric Langhorst *social studies (twitter)
    Darren Kuropatwa *math (twitter)
    Maria Knee The KindersBlog Maria Knee
  4. Create or use your Google Account
  5. iGoogle (mini tour video)
  6. Micro blogs with Twitter (Twitter in Plain English)
  7. Create your Twitter Account (learn more)
    - Follow on Twitter (follow me )
    - Above bloggers (twitter links) and a few more....
    - BHS Principal
    - Free Technology for Teachers
  8. Getting Started with Blogger (Tutorial)
  9. Create a blog (add a post)
  10. Post a comment (moderate)
  11. Add items to Blogger (Video, Slideshare, etc)
  12. Link
Post a response/comment at the end of the day.  What do you think about blogging?