Thursday, February 25, 2010

Session Two - Agenda and Assignment for Session Three

Agenda for Session Two (Group A *Make-up Thursday 2/25 and Group B 3/3)

Confirm you can post to the blog before leaving session two.

For session three
1. Review material covered in class (slides above - Survey and Sites)
2. Edit your Sandbox page with content requested
3. Create a survey/quiz
2. Prepare your Google Site with curriculum conentfor next class
3. Post a reflection here before the next session.
4. Session Three - Presentations

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow Day Survey for make-up date - Thursday 2/25th

Sample Survey demonstration for Class Two (done in class)
Please take the survey below

See the results here

School has been cancelled today, we will not have our Google Docs class (Group A session 2) this afternoon.

Make-up date tomorrow Thursday 2/25 3:15-7:00 PM
The votes were close but it looks like tomorrow, Thursday 2/25 will work the best. If the storm starts early, we will use Saturday as a back up. I will see everyone tomorrow!

Take the survey to pick a make-up date. Options: Thursday after school or Saturday morning. I can allow for a few to attend on 3/3 when I teach the other section of this course but do not recommend or encourage as you may not have access to a computer.

This survey was also emailed to participants. I will post the make-up date this evening.

If you have not completed the assignments posted below please complete before our next session.

Enjoy the day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

PBS tonight! - Digital Nation - Feb 2, 2010

Digital Nation | A PBS Frontline Program About Life on the Virtual Frontier, will air on PBS, on February 2nd and explore life on the virtual frontier. Distracted by Everything