
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Math, Science and Music Teachers using Tablets and Flip Classroom techniques

I worked with a group of Math, Science and Music teachers on the tablet initiative this year. Some of the topics we covered are posted on my class site here.  We first focused on the basics of the new OS/Windows 8 and touch screen, along with the wireless projector.

We then focused on the ability to ink using Word and then Journal by sending the files to a PDF and inking on the file. The math teachers explored the Graph paper options and inking formulas on a worksheet.  The  music teacher came up with several creative ways to use the tablet for teaching.  The teachers learned how to incorporate the snipit tool and adding Apps for content area (Graphing Calculator, etc).

The next phase, the teachers applied in their classrooms this month.  I worked individually with teachers to show them ScreenCastify so they could begin to think about recording lessons and begin to setup for the flipped classroom model.   This group of teachers will share their progress during our Staff Mini EdCamp Model in April to their colleagues!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Research Projects and modeling tools and Apps (blog and Thinglink Map)

In a recent class students were evaluating multiple presentation programs, focused on maps and travelling.  We looked Google Slides, Prezi, Padlet, Haiku Deck and Thinklink.  I think it's always important to connect students with real life opportunities and connections when using technology.

I started the class by showing students my travel blog and explaining why I use it and had recommended to my own kids when travelling. We talked about researching countries and online resources.  Some of the sites or blogs that I visit are Rick Steve's Travel blog on specific countries, (Italy).  Students can research sites such as Expedia for travel packages or Trip Advisor.  Then it's time to start planning!

I came across a Thinkglink Map of Italy which I thought was a perfect tool and way to connect a trip along with videos.  Students could also use Google Maps for a similar process.  Below is an interactive map created in Thinglink of Italy.  Students can also download the app and create on their phone.  I showed them how to link and embed on the Portfolio sites and I am modeling the use in my blog.  I loved the fact that I would take an existing Thinglink and "remix" or just get a creative idea how to use in other content areas.

The project could be expanded so students create their own videos and learn to use in a variety of ways.  I think this was also a good example of showing students whey the would want to blog versus using a google site for their portfolio.  This lesson could be expanded to show so much more when travelling. Student's can reflect in the blog about their travel experience and share with family members.